The Owl Monkey Project continues to explore the genetic structure of the Guaycolec population. Genetic analyses, in combination with long-term behavioral observation, will allow us to test a number of hypotheses about the nature, evolution and maintenance of the social organization and mating system in this socially monogamous primate species.
Molecular genetic data allows us to examine the biological relatedness of individuals in groups of sexually monogamous primates: how closely related the individuals are in various groups that make up the population; and the consequences, in terms of reproductive success, of copulations outside of the pair.
Understanding the genetic structure of a population, we can characterize maternal genetic variation, analyze the kinship structure of groups, asses paternity, and examine the possible effects of kin selection in the maintenance of social monogamy. During the last 10 years, we have collected high-quality DNA samples (hair, ear punches, skin biopsies) from 200 owl monkeys in Argentina and we have genetic data on 15 complete social groups.